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lake maggiore造句

  • He started training with his teammates near Lake Maggiore this week.
  • They had rides in the Forlanini hydrofoil boat over Lake Maggiore.
  • Lake Maggiore was at its highest level in a century.
  • Locarno is located on the left shore of Lake Maggiore.
  • The village is located in the Locarno district, above Lake Maggiore.
  • It continues through the forests of lower Varese Province towards Lake Maggiore.
  • Water levels in Lake Maggiore rose rapidly _ although remained below flood level.
  • They moved from Raetia and managed to penetrate Italy, reaching Lake Maggiore.
  • These valleys combine into Torrente San Bernardino, a tributary of Lake Maggiore.
  • Brissago lies on the western shore of Lake Maggiore and includes the Brissago Islands.
  • It's difficult to see lake maggiore in a sentence. 用lake maggiore造句挺难的
  • It lies along Lake Maggiore and is bordered by the Ramogna and Rabissale streams.
  • The defeat discouraged the Swiss expansionist intentions towards Lake Maggiore for a long time.
  • It is perched on a rocky ridge on the eastern shore of Lake Maggiore.
  • The municipality is located in the Locarno district, on the shores of Lake Maggiore.
  • The festival takes place in an affluent resort town at the Swiss end of Lake Maggiore.
  • Lake Maggiore, which extends from Locarno south into Italy, rose out of its banks.
  • The municipality is located in the Locarno district, about east of Locarno on Lake Maggiore.
  • It lies on the range between Lake Maggiore and Lake Lugano, culminating at Monte Tamaro.
  • It lies south of Monte Tamaro, on the range between Lake Maggiore and Lake Lugano.
  • Cuccia's body was discovered missing from the family tomb near Lake Maggiore on March 20.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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